Thursday 28 January 2010

A Cold Morning


Another try at a pastel painting, I really enjoy doing them and learning along the way. This one is of a cold, cold morning in a UK park.  The ground was frozen and hard and freezing mist hid the distant trees.  Far too cold to sit and draw so I had to rely on my memory and some reference photos.
The more you sketch the better your visual memory gets and it's easier to imprint a scene in your mind.  Sometimes just a few lines and marks can bring back the colours, feelings and sounds. With this one I wanted to get the silence and cold grey light and I had to keep the image in my mind until I got back home.


Gillian Mowbray said...

Oh yes - a cold morning in the UK - you've nailed it!
I'm going to have to get out my pastels again - I love using them but it's the dust problem I need to overcome.

Cathy Holtom said...

Yes, I love them too...but they do make a mess, I always keep a damp cloth handy.

Anonymous said...

This is lovely - I can feel the cold!!

Lesley said...

Which park is it Cathy?
Looks lovely.